
Furthering Arabic language learning in Europe through facilitation, collaboration, and communication between professionals and institutions engaged in research and pedagogy of Arabic language, linguistics, literature, and culture. 


The European Network for Teaching Arabic  

In Collaboration with 

The School of Oriental and African Studies

University of London 


The Seventh Symposium of the European Network for Teaching Arabic (ENTA-7) 

Literature and Culture in a Changing Language Classroom
Re-examining the Language-Culture Relation
in Arabic Curricula

September 12 – 19, 2025
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
University of London, UK 

The conference invites submissions of abstracts for presentations, papers, workshops and panels on the theme of the conference. For more information click here

Keynote Speaker 

Professor Stefan Sperl, SOAS, University of London

Keynote address title TBD


The European Network for Teaching Arabic  

In Collaboration with 

Leiden University Institute for Area Studies 


The Sixth Conference of the European Network for Teaching Arabic (ENTA-6) 

“Teaching Arabic Across Contexts” 

December 18 – 19, 2024, Leiden University, The Netherlands. 

The conference invites submissions of abstracts for presentations, papers, workshops and panels on the theme of the conference. For more information click here

Registration is now open. To register, click here


About the workshop

Workshop materials

The Fifth workshop of the European Network for Teaching Arabic suggests strategies for resignifying teaching Arabic, taking into account both learners’ needs and class composition. In this frame, Connected Learning (CL) helps designing Arabic curriculum where students learn transferrable skills through an emphasis on acquiring both knowledge and skills. This approach combines connections between various components of the curriculum, theory and practice, students and their teachers, peers, and the wider society amongst other connections (Fung 2017). Fostering  Relational Learning  allows students and instructors engage in a dialogue about learning so that they learn from each other, share ideas and together create the learning/teaching experience.

Workshop participants will be able to identify what is meant by Connected Learning and produce learning content for one lesson/module that incorporates authentic tasks using Arabic in different contexts, Relational Learning and/or digital storytelling as examples of Connected Learning.

In the first part of the workshop (approx. 45 minutes), Dr. Ruba Khamam (University of Leeds) will give a presentation on Connected Learning and show an example CL in practice where students create and take part in authentic language tasks. Dr. Letizia Lombezzi (University of Siena) will introduce Relational Learning (RL) as a type of CL, explore the concept of being empirical and how it relates to CL, followed by a short elicitation session where workshop participants expand on CL/RL potentials.  Dr. Hossam Ahmed (Leiden University) will demonstrate how to use Twine, a Digital Humanities tool for telling non-linear stories, to create highly customized non-linear learning paths that are effective in mixed-level classes.  Mr. Zehad Sabry (University of Oslo) will  demonstrate a connected learning unit (via digital storytelling), showing the steps of designing a digital-story-telling project-based unit, including instructions and rubrics. 

 In the hands-on part of the workshop (approx. 2h15min.), participants will work in groups to create Connected Learning experiences.  Participants will design language learning modules which incorporate CL/DL/DST.


Connecting Research and Practice in TAFL

The University of Oslo – Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages 

In Collaboration with 

Leiden University Institute for Area Studies 


The Fourth Conference of the European Network for Teaching Arabic (ENTA-4) 

“Connecting Research and Practice in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language” 

December 15 – 16, 2022, University of Oslo. 

Call for abstracts 

Connecting Research and Practice in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language addresses all important issues pertaining to research in Arabic language learning and teaching and its relation to the practice of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers at undergraduate and graduate levels.  The conference also examines how engaging with research affects teachers’ professional development.  It aims to bring together academics, researchers, and language instructors in Europe and beyond to share their views, empirical work and discuss the gains and challenges at the levels of AFL pedagogy, assessment, linguistics of the Arabic language, language acquisition and teacher training as they shed light on future possibilities and needs. 

The conference invites submissions of abstracts for presentations, papers, workshops and panels on the theme of the conference.

Keynote Speaker 

Professor Mahmoud Al-Batal, American University of Beirut

Activating the Theory/Practice Dialectic in Teaching Arabic to Speakers of other languages: Current Limitations and Future Prospects

Conference themes: 

The conference encourages submissions on research that has implications on teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language, and on teaching projects that are linked to research on the following areas: 

  • Action research and classroom research. 
  • Language use and communication. 
  • Arabic as a World Language. 
  • Teacher education and training. 
  • First and second language acquisition. 
  • Pedagogy for native and non-native speakers. 
  • (Online) curriculum and syllabus design. 
  • Resources for Arabic language teachers and learners. 
  • Arabic linguistics in TAFL. 
  • Assessment in TAFL. 
  • Best practices in TAFL. 

Organizing Committee:

  • Mr. Zehad Sabry, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • Dr. Hossam Ahmed, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

Program Committee:

  • Dr. Ashraf Abdou, University of Oxford, UK.
  • Dr. Iman Alramadan, Indiana University, USA.
  • Dr. Ghada Badawi, New York University, USA.
  • Dr. Raghda El Essawi, American University in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Professor Alaa Elgibali, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar.
  • Dr. Manuela Giolfo, IULM, Italy.
  • Dr. Ruba Khamam, University of Leeds, UK
  • Dr. Letizia Lombezzi, University of Siena, Italy.
  • Dr. Teresa Pepe, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • Ms. Amira Mills, Kings College London, UK.
  • Dr. Lama Nassif, Williams College, USA.
  • Dr. Federico Salvaggio, University of Udine, Italy.
  • Dr. Iman Soliman, American University in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Dr. Rasha Soliman, University of Leeds, UK.
  • Professor Zeinab Taha, American University in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Dr. Liesbeth Zack, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Important Dates 

Abstract Submission deadline: Aug. 1, 2022 Aug. 21, 2022

Notification of acceptance:      Sept. 15, 2022 

Program available online: Oct. 15, 2022 

Registration open: June15, 2022